Fisheries and Resources Monitoring System

Result List
Results For [resource] KEYWORDVALUE=[48]
9 Results
resourceFrom FactsheetState Trend
Squid - Global, 2002FAO, 2002
See Abstract expand
Marine resources - Southern Ocean, 2009FAO, 2009
See Abstract expand
Tuna and tuna-like species - Global, 2009FAO, 2009
See Abstract expand
Antarctic toothfishes - South Sandwich Islands, 2015CCAMLR, 2015
See Abstract expand
Sharks - Global, 2009FAO, 2009
See Abstract expand
Antarctic krill - Southwest Atlantic, 2020CCAMLR, 2020
See Abstract expand
Patagonian toothfish - South Georgia, 2020CCAMLR, 2020
See Abstract expand
Mackerel icefish - South Georgia, 2018CCAMLR, 2018
See Abstract expand
Antarctic toothfish - Southeast Atlantic, 2020CCAMLR, 2020
See Abstract expand

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