Fisheries and Resources Monitoring System



This page provides a global digest of the information available through FIRMS on Tuna, Billfishes and Tuna-like resources. At this stage, the following FIRMS partners are contributing reports on families Scombridae, Istiophoridae and Xiphiidae: CCSBT, FAO, IATTC, ICCAT, ICES, IOTC.


FIRMS Global Tuna Atlas
Browse catch statistics of tuna and tuna-like species around the world
The Atlas collates latest catch statistics provided by the five t-RFMOs, and includes:
  • the global nominal catch dataset;
  • three geo-referenced catch datasets in weight and / or number, spatially aggregated by grid square of 1x1 or 5x5 degree.
  • Access the Tuna Atlas map viewer
  • Access the Tuna Atlas metadata catalogue

  • Access the four datasets of catches of tuna, tuna-like and shark species
  • Global annual catch (1918 - 2019)
  • Global monthly catch aggregated by statistical squares of 1° or 5° longitude and latitude
  • Global monthly catch by purse seiners and pole-and-liners by statistical squares of 1° longitude and latitude
  • Global monthly catch aggregated by statistical squares of 5° longitude and latitude


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