FIRMS fact sheets disseminate reports on status and trends of Marine Resources and Fisheries as per information contributed by the FIRMS Partners. Unavailability of reports or outdated reports simply reflect gaps in monitoring capacity. The following table counts the overall number of marine resources and fisheries fact sheets by FAO Major Fishing Areas.
Table 1. Number of available Marine Resources and Fisheries versus the FAO Major Fishing Areas (Updated June 2017).
FAO Major Fishing Areas | Number of Marine Resources and Fisheries reported in FIRMS* |
Area 18 (Arctic Sea) | 6 |
Area 21 (Atlantic, Northwest) | 62 |
Area 27 (Atlantic, Northeast) | 192 |
Area 31 (Atlantic, Western Central) | 93 |
Area 34 (Atlantic, Eastern Central) | 197 |
Area 37 (Mediterranean and Black Sea) | 82 |
Area 41 (Atlantic, Southwest) | 40 |
Area 47 (Atlantic, Southeast) | 74 |
Area 48 (Atlantic, Antarctic) | 31 |
Area 51 (Indian Ocean, Western) | 183 |
Area 57 (Indian Ocean, Eastern) | 30 |
Area 58 (Antarctic and Southern Indian Ocean) | 35 |
Area 61 (Pacific, Northwest) | 14 |
Area 67 (Pacific, Northeast) | 18 |
Area 71 (Pacific, Western Central) | 16 |
Area 77 (Pacific, Eastern Central) | 16 |
Area 81 (Pacific, Southwest) | 16 |
Area 87 (Pacific, Southeast) | 15 |
Area 88 (Pacific, Antarctic) | 22 |
*The same Marine Resource or Fishery may occur in different FAO areas.