Fisheries and Resources Monitoring System

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Marine Resource State & Trend Summaries Search
Search the State and Trends of FIRMS Marine Resources using a combination of Stock Status descriptors, Water Areas and Species. For good interpretation of the results, it is important to consult FIRMS data coverage and Annex 1.3 of the FIRMS IMP.
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Exploitation Rate, Abundance Level
Click on a cell for the desired pair of values for Exploitation Rate and Abundance Level. Or click on a white label on x-/y-axis for full column/row selection. Most of the FIRMS published fact sheets are indexed with these indicator values.
exploitationrate:High:High fishing mortalityexploitationrate:High:High fishing mortalityabundancelevel:Pre-exploitation:Pre-exploitation biomass or high abundanceexploitationrate:High:High fishing mortalityabundancelevel:Intermediate:Intermediate abundanceexploitationrate:High:High fishing mortalityabundancelevel:Low:Low abundanceexploitationrate:High:High fishing mortalityabundancelevel:Depleted:Depleted
exploitationrate:Moderate:Moderate fishing mortalityexploitationrate:Moderate:Moderate fishing mortalityabundancelevel:Pre-exploitation:Pre-exploitation biomass or high abundanceexploitationrate:Moderate:Moderate fishing mortalityabundancelevel:Intermediate:Intermediate abundanceexploitationrate:Moderate:Moderate fishing mortalityabundancelevel:Low:Low abundanceexploitationrate:Moderate:Moderate fishing mortalityabundancelevel:Depleted:Depleted
exploitationrate:low:No or low fishing mortalityexploitationrate:low:No or low fishing mortalityabundancelevel:Pre-exploitation:Pre-exploitation biomass or high abundanceexploitationrate:low:No or low fishing mortalityabundancelevel:Intermediate:Intermediate abundanceexploitationrate:low:No or low fishing mortalityabundancelevel:Low:Low abundanceexploitationrate:low:No or low fishing mortalityabundancelevel:Depleted:Depleted
exploitationrate:Uncertain:Uncertain/Not assessedabundancelevel:Uncertain:Uncertain/Not assessedabundancelevel:Pre-exploitation:Pre-exploitation biomass or high abundanceabundancelevel:Intermediate:Intermediate abundanceabundancelevel:Low:Low abundanceabundancelevel:Depleted:Depleted
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Search by Species
Select one or more species, type to quick filter by species name (species absent from the list are not referred as FIRMS resources).
Species quick filter: 
Etmopterus bigelowi - Etmopterus bigelowiAfrican cuttlefish - Sepia berthelotiAfrican venus - Circomphalus rosalinaAlbacore - Thunnus alalungaAlfonsinos nei - Beryx sppAmer. plaice(=Long rough dab) - Hippoglossoides platessoidesAngler(=Monk) - Lophius piscatoriusAngolan dentex - Dentex angolensisAntarctic krill - Euphausia superbaAntarctic stone crab - Paralomis spinosissimaAntarctic toothfish - Dissostichus mawsoniAtlantic bigeye - Priacanthus arenatusAtlantic bluefin tuna - Thunnus thynnusAtlantic cod - Gadus morhuaAtlantic herring - Clupea harengusAtlantic horse mackerel - Trachurus trachurusAtlantic mackerel - Scomber scombrusAtlantic redfishes nei - Sebastes sppAtlantic salmon - Salmo salarAtlantic seabob - Xiphopenaeus kroyeriAtlantic white marlin - Tetrapturus albidusAxillary seabream - Pagellus acarneBasking shark - Cetorhinus maximusBastard grunt - Pomadasys incisusBathyraja rays nei - Bathyraja sppBeaked redfish - Sebastes mentellaBenguela hake - Merluccius polliBigeye grunt - Brachydeuterus auritusBigeye scad - Selar crumenophthalmusBigeye tuna - Thunnus obesusBlackbellied angler - Lophius budegassaBlack cusk-eel - Genypterus maculatusBlackfin tuna - Thunnus atlanticusBlack scabbardfish - Aphanopus carboBlack skipjack - Euthynnus lineatusBlackspot(=red) seabream - Pagellus bogaraveoBlacktip shark - Carcharhinus limbatusBlue and red shrimp - Aristeus antennatusBlue antimora - Antimora rostrataBlue grenadier - Macruronus novaezelandiaeBlue ling - Molva dypterygiaBlue marlin - Makaira nigricansBluenose warehou - Hyperoglyphe antarcticaBlue shark - Prionace glaucaBluespotted seabass - Cephalopholis taeniopsBluespotted seabream - Pagrus caeruleostictusBlue whiting(=Poutassou) - Micromesistius poutassouBluntnose sixgill shark - Hexanchus griseusBoarfishes nei - CaproidaeBombay-duck - Harpadon nehereusBonga shad - Ethmalosa fimbriataBonitos nei - Sarda sppBonnetmouths, rubyfishes nei - EmmelichthyidaeBrazilian sharpnose shark - Rhizoprionodon lalandiiBrill - Scophthalmus rhombusBrown spiny loster - Panulirus echinatusBullet tuna - Auxis rocheiButterfly kingfish - Gasterochisma melampusCape bonnetmouth - Emmelichthys nitidusCape elephantfish - Callorhinchus capensisCapelin - Mallotus villosusCape Verde spiny lobster - Palinurus charlestoniCaramote prawn - Penaeus kerathurusCardinal fishes nei - Epigonus sppCaribbean sharpnose shark - Rhizoprionodon porosusCaribbean spiny lobster - Panulirus argusChaceon geryons nei - Chaceon sppChilean jack mackerel - Trachurus murphyiChimaeras, etc. nei - ChimaeriformesChub mackerel - Scomber japonicusCommon cuttlefish - Sepia officinalisCommon dentex - Dentex dentexCommon mora - Mora moroCommon octopus - Octopus vulgarisCommon sole - Solea soleaCongo dentex - Dentex congoensisCunene horse mackerel - Trachurus trecaeCusk-eels nei - Genypterus sppCuttlefish, bobtail squids nei - Sepiidae, SepiolidaeDark-belly skate - Bathyraja meridionalisDark ghost shark - Hydrolagus novaezealandiaeDeep-sea smelt - Glossanodon semifasciatusDeep-water rose shrimp - Parapenaeus longirostrisEscolar - Lepidocybium flavobrunneumEuropean anchovy - Engraulis encrasicolusEuropean eel - Anguilla anguillaEuropean flounder - Platichthys flesusEuropean flying squid - Todarodes sagittatusEuropean hake - Merluccius merlucciusEuropean pilchard(=Sardine) - Sardina pilchardusEuropean plaice - Pleuronectes platessaEuropean sprat - Sprattus sprattusEuropean squid - Loligo vulgarisFalse scad - Caranx rhonchusFour-spot megrim - Lepidorhombus bosciiFourwing flyingfish - Hirundichthys affinisFrigate tuna - Auxis thazardGhost shark - Callorhinchus miliiGilthead seabream - Sparus aurataGolden king crab - Lithodes aequispinaGolden redfish - Sebastes marinusGreater argentine - Argentina silusGreater forkbeard - Phycis blennoidesGreeneyes - ChlorophthalmidaeGreenland halibut - Reinhardtius hippoglossoidesGreenland shark - Somniosus microcephalusGreen spiny lobster - Panulirus gracilisGreen weakfish - Cynoscion virescensGrenadiers, rattails nei - MacrouridaeGrenadiers nei - Macrourus sppGroupers, seabasses nei - SerranidaeGroupers nei - Epinephelus sppGrunts, sweetlips nei - Haemulidae(=Pomadasyidae)Gulper sharks nei - Centrophorus sppHaddock - Melanogrammus aeglefinusHairtails, scabbardfishes nei - TrichiuridaeHapuku wreckfish - Polyprion oxygeneiosHarp seal - Phoca groenlandicaHector's lanternfish - Lampanyctodes hectorisHooded seal - Cystophora cristataJamaica weakfish - Cynoscion jamaicensisJumbo flying squid - Dosidicus gigasKawakawa - Euthynnus affinisKingklip - Genypterus capensisKing mackerel - Scomberomorus cavallaKing weakfish - Macrodon ancylodonKitefin shark - Dalatias lichaLanternfishes nei - MyctophidaeLarge-eye dentex - Dentex macrophthalmusLargehead hairtail - Trichiurus lepturusLeafscale gulper shark - Centrophorus squamosusLesser African threadfin - Galeoides decadactylusLing - Molva molvaLittle tunny( skipj) - Euthynnus alletteratusLongneck croaker - Pseudotolithus typusLongnose velvet dogfish - Centroscymnus crepidaterLongspine snipefish - Macroramphosus scolopaxLongtail tuna - Thunnus tonggolMackerel icefish - Champsocephalus gunnariMackerel scad - Decapterus macarellusMackerels nei - ScombridaeMadeiran sardinella - Sardinella maderensisMarlins,sailfishes,etc. nei - IstiophoridaeMegrim - Lepidorhombus whiffiagonisMonkfishes nei - Lophius sppNorthern prawn - Pandalus borealisNorthern shortfin squid - Illex illecebrosusNorway lobster - Nephrops norvegicusNorway pout - Trisopterus esmarkiiOctopuses nei - Octopus sppOilfish - Ruvettus pretiosusOmmastrephidae squids nei - OmmastrephidaeOrange roughy - Hoplostethus atlanticusOreo dories nei - OreosomatidaePacific bluefin tuna - Thunnus orientalisPacific sleeper shark - Somniosus pacificusPandalus shrimps nei - Pandalus sppPargo breams nei - Pagrus sppParrotfishes nei - ScaridaePatagonian grenadier - Macruronus magellanicusPatagonian toothfish - Dissostichus eleginoidesPelagic armourhead - Pseudopentaceros richardsoniPenaeus shrimps nei - Penaeus sppPicked dogfish - Squalus acanthiasPink conch - Strombus gigasPink cusk-eel - Genypterus blacodesPink spiny lobster - Palinurus mauritanicusPorbeagle - Lamna nasusPortuguese dogfish - Centroscymnus coelolepisRabbit fish - Chimaera monstrosaRatfishes nei - Hydrolagus sppRays and skates nei - RajidaeRed cusk-eel - Genypterus chilensisRedfish - Centroberyx affinisRed mullet - Mullus barbatusRed pandora - Pagellus bellottiiRed scorpionfish - Scorpaena scrofaRighteye flounders nei - PleuronectidaeRoughhead grenadier - Macrourus berglaxRoundnose grenadier - Coryphaenoides rupestrisRound sardinella - Sardinella auritaRound scad - Decapterus punctatusRoyal red shrimp - Pleoticus robustusRoyal spiny lobster - Panulirus regiusSaithe(=Pollock) - Pollachius virensSandeels(=Sandlances) nei - Ammodytes sppSand steenbras - Lithognathus mormyrusSardinellas nei - Sardinella sppScalloped hammerhead - Sphyrna lewiniScarlet shrimp - Plesiopenaeus edwardsianusSea catfishes nei - AriidaeSea egg - Tripneustes ventricosusSea trout - Salmo truttaSea urchins nei - Strongylocentrotus sppSeerfishes nei - Scomberomorus sppSenegalese hake - Merluccius senegalensisSerra Spanish mackerel - Scomberomorus brasiliensisShortfin mako - Isurus oxyrinchusSilver gemfish - Rexea solandriSilver scabbardfish - Lepidopus caudatusSilvery lightfish - Maurolicus muelleriSkipjack tuna - Katsuwonus pelamisSlender tuna - Allothunnus fallaiSlimeheads nei - TrachichthyidaeSmalleye croaker - Nebris micropsSmalleye hammerhead - Sphyrna tudesSmalleye smooth-hound - Mustelus higmaniSmalltail shark - Carcharhinus porosusSmooth-hounds nei - Mustelus sppSnappers, jobfishes nei - LutjanidaeSompat grunt - Pomadasys jubeliniSouthern bluefin tuna - Thunnus maccoyiiSouthern blue whiting - Micromesistius australisSouthern brown shrimp - Penaeus subtilisSouthern pink shrimp - Penaeus notialisSouthern red snapper - Lutjanus purpureusSouthern white shrimp - Penaeus schmittiSplendid alfonsino - Beryx splendensSpotted gurnard - Pterygotrigla pictaSquirrelfishes nei - HolocentridaeStarry ray - Raja radiataStriped marlin - Tetrapturus audaxSurgeonfishes nei - AcanthuridaeSurmullet - Mullus surmuletusSwordfish - Xiphias gladiusThorntooth grenadier - Lepidorhynchus denticulatusTilefishes nei - BranchiostegidaeTonguesole nei - Cynoglossus sppTurbot - Psetta maximaTusk(=Cusk) - Brosme brosmeVermilion snapper - Rhomboplites aurorubensWahoo - Acanthocybium solandriWarty dory - Allocyttus verrucosusWarty venus - Venus verrucosaWest African croakers nei - Pseudotolithus sppWest African goatfish - Pseudupeneus prayensisWhite grouper - Epinephelus aeneusWhite hake - Urophycis tenuisWhitemouth croaker - Micropogonias furnieriWhite snake mackerel - Thyrsitops lepidopoidesWhite warehou - Seriolella caeruleaWhiting - Merlangius merlangusWitch flounder - Glyptocephalus cynoglossusWreckfish - Polyprion americanusYellowedge grouper - Epinephelus flavolimbatusYellowfin tuna - Thunnus albacaresYellowmouth grouper - Mycteroperca interstitialisYellowtail flounder - Limanda ferruginea
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