Fisheries and Resources Monitoring System

Red mullet - Malta
Fact Sheet Title  Fact Sheet
Stock status report 2021
Red mullet - Malta
Fact Sheet Citation  
Mullus barbatus - Malta (GSA 15)
Owned byGeneral Fisheries Commission for the Mediterranean (GFCM) – ownership
Monitoring Range Min2009.
ident Blockident Blockdisplay tree map
Species List:
Species Ref: en - Red mullet, fr - Rouget de vase, es - Salmonete de fango, ru - Султанка обыкновенная (=барабулька)

Species Ref
Type: Measure
ident Block Red mullet - Malta
Aq Res
Biological Stock:  Biological Stock         Value: Sub-Regional
Reference Year: 2019
Aq Res State Trend
Aq Res State Trend
Aq Res State Trend Aq Res State Trend
Aq Res State TrendSustainably exploited (F/Fref = 0.84)Not applicable
Aq Res State TrendNot applicable
Aq Res State Trend
Aq Res State TrendUnderfished

Sustainably exploited.
[The GFCM methodology to provide stock status and management advice is described in the Appendix F of the Sixteenth Session of the Scientific Advisory Committee Report. See the Bibliography section.]
Habitat Bio
Climatic Zone: Temperate.   Bottom Type: Soft bottom.   Depth Zone: Shelf 50 200m.   Horizontal Dist: Neritic; Littoral.   Vertical Dist: Demersal/Benthic.  

Water Area Overview
Spatial Scale:  Spatial Scale

Water Area Overview
Aq Res Struct
Biological Stock:  Biological Stock

Stock assessment in the GFCM area of application is often conducted by management units, based on GSAs. This method does not ensure that the whole stock is assessed, since stocks may cover several different management units. In some cases, when there is scientific evidence of a stock spreading through different GSAs, as well as information on species from different GSAs, existing information is combined across GSAs. This is then defined as a “joint stock assessment of a shared stock”. The GFCM recommends that when scientific evidence of shared stocks exists, joint stock assessments should be attempted. A number of activities aimed at achieving a better definition of stock boundaries are currently being conducted at the GFCM level. [The State of Mediterranean and Black Sea Fisheries, 2016]

Red mullet is one of the main coastal demersal resources in the Mediterranean; it is fished by otter trawls, trammel nets and gillnets. Red mullet is caught together with other important species, such as striped red mullet, European hake, seabreams and pandoras (Pagellus spp), stargazer (Uranoscopus scaber), rays (Raja spp.), weevers (Trachinus spp.), common octopus, common cuttlefish, horned and musky octopuses (Eledone spp.), and anglerfish (Lophius spp.). Red mullet is fished by trawling, almost exclusively on the shelf bottom. Based on available knowledge, the red mullet inhabiting the continental shelf of GSA 15 is considered as a separate stock unit. The average annual Maltese landing from trawlers for the period 2009-2019 was 16 tonnes.
Fishery Indicator
Fishery Indicator Fishery Indicator Fishery Indicator Fishery Indicator Fishery Indicator
Type Measure 8.94tonnes2009
Measure 12.29tonnes2010
Measure 14.5tonnes2011
Measure 23.92tonnes2012
Measure 42.38tonnes2013
Measure 12.3tonnes2014
Measure 21.25tonnes2015
Measure 11.64tonnes2016
Measure 9.56tonnes2017
Measure 11.68tonnes2018
Measure 11.2tonnes2019
Bio Assess

The assessment was based on catch-at-age and landing data from Malta (otter trawl 12-40 m). The number-at-age from the MEDITS survey in GSA 15 were used for tuning. The following parameters (VBGF and LW relationships) were considered: L∞ = 42.705, k = 0.67, t0 = 0.208, a= 0.0029, b = 2.4818 for females and L∞ = 24.1, k= 0.42, t0 = 0.8, a = 0.001, b = 3.0421 for combined specimens. M was estimated using the Gislason method.
Assess Models
Type:  Age-structured

The assessment was performed using XSA as implemented in the FLR. According to the recommendations of the WG, current F was obtained as the average of the last three years (2017-2019).

The current F(1-3) was 0.338. F0.1 was estimated using the FLR routine in the benchmark assessment. The SSB in 2019 was below the 33rd percentile of the SSB time-series.
Sci Advice

Not increase fishing mortality.
FAO. 2021. General Fisheries Commission for the Mediterranean (GFCM). Report of the twenty-second session of the Scientific Advisory Committee on Fisheries, online, 22–25 June 2021. FAO Fisheries and Aquaculture Report No. 1347. Rome. Click to open
Report of the Working Group on Stock Assessment of Demersal Species (WGSAD). Online, 18–23 January 2021. Click to open
GFCM Stock Assessment Results (STAR) for red mullet in GSA 15 (reporting year: 2021). Click to open
FAO. 2020. The State of Mediterranean and Black Sea Fisheries 2020. General Fisheries Commission for the Mediterranean. Rome. Click to open
FAO. 2016. The State of Mediterranean and Black Sea Fisheries. General Fisheries Commission for the Mediterranean. Rome, Italy. Click to open
FAO General Fisheries Commission for the Mediterranean/Commission générale des pêches pour la Méditerranée. Report of the sixteenth session of the Scientific Advisory Committee. St. Julian’s, Malta, 17–20 March 2014/Rapport de la seizième session du Comité scientifique consultatif. Saint Julien, Malte, Malte, 17-20 mars 2014. FAO Fisheries and Aquaculture Report/FAO Rapport sur les pêches et l’aquaculture. No. R1102. Rome. 2015. 250 pp. Click to open
General Fisheries Commission for the Mediterranean (GFCM) Stock Assessment Results (STAR). Click to open
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