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Caribbean spiny lobster - Brazil |
| Data Ownership | This document provided, maintained and owned by Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) , is part of WECAFC Stock Status Reports data collection. |
ident Block | ident Block | | Species List: | Species Ref: en - Caribbean spiny lobster, fr - Langouste blanche, es - Langosta común del Caribe |
Species Ref: en - Smoothtail spiny lobster, fr - Langouste indienne, es - Langosta verde |
| ident Block Caribbean spiny lobster - Brazil Aq Res Ident Aq Res Ident Aq Res Ident |
Aq Res | Biological Stock: Biological Stock Value: National Management Unit: Management Unit Reference Year: 2016
Considered a management unit: An aquatic resource or fishery is declared as [Fishery] Management Unit if it is effectively the focus for the application of selected management methods and measures, within the broader framework of a management system. According to the FAO Glossary for Responsible Fishing, "a Fishery Management Unit (FMU) is a fishery or a portion of a fishery identified in a Fishery Management Plan (FMP) relevant to the FMP's management objectives." FMU's may be organised around fisheries biological, geographic, economic, technical, social or ecological dimensions , and the makeup and attribute of a fishery management unit depends mainly on the FMP's management objectives. |
Jurisdictional distribution: Jurisdictional qualifier (e.g. "shared", "shared - highly migratory") of the aquatic resource related with its spatial distribution. |
Environmental group: Classification of the aquatic resource according to the environmental group (e.g. pelagic invertebrate, or demersal fish) to which the species belong. |
| | | | Habitat Bio Climatic Zone: Tropical. Vertical Dist: Benthic. Geo Dist Geo Dist: National Water Area Overview Spatial Scale: Spatial Scale Water Area Overview | Water Area Overview Caribbean spiny lobster - Brazil
| | | | Water Area Overview |
Water Area OverviewCaribbean spiny lobster - Brazil Aq Res Struct Biological Stock: Biological Stock Exploit In Brazil, two species (Panulirus argus and P. laevicauda) are fished and the area comprises 74 000 km². Brazil has 12 000 fishers engaged in lobster fishing, which generated about 6 000 tonnes in 2016, although landings have been decreasing from 13 000 tonnes in 1992. Lobster boats are industrial and artisanal, with industrial fishing decreasing substantially due to high levels of effort achieved. Lobster landings and exports show downward trends since the 1990s, although stabilization in most recent years has been observed. Bio Assess Uncertainty: Uncertainty Assess Models Type: Age-structured Sequential Population Analysis Model For spiny lobster stock assessment in Brazil, different data sources are available and the sequential population analysis model is applied. Results An increase in recruitment has been observed in recent years with an increase of lobster juveniles in catches. For this reason, fishing mortality is higher than natural mortality and targets juveniles. The current demographic structure is very unstable with high levels of uncertainty of stock estimates. Management Management: Management Sources FAO. 2019. Western Central Atlantic Fishery Commission/FAO Comisión Central de Pesca para el Atlántico Centro-Occidental. 2019. Report of the second meeting of the OSPESCA/WECAFC/CRFM/CFMC Working Group on Caribbean Spiny Lobster, Santo Domingo, Dominican Republic, 21–23 March 2018/Informe de la segunda reunión del Grupo de Trabajo de OSPESCA/COPACO/CRFM/CFMC sobre la Langosta Espinosa del Caribe, Santo Domingo, República Dominicana, 21-23 de marzo 2018. FAO Fisheries and Aquaculture Report/Informe de Pesca y Acuicultura. No. 1264. Bridgetown. 68 pp. Licence: CC BY-NC-SA 3.0 IGO. http://www.fao.org/3/ca4984b/CA4984B.pdf Bibliography FAO. Western Central Atlantic Fishery Commission/FAO Commission des pêches pour l’Atlantique Centre-Ouest/FAO Comisión Central de Pesca para el Atlántico CentroOccidental. 2019. Report of the ninth session of the Scientific Advisory Group, Christ Church, Barbados, 19-20 November 2018. Rapport de la neuvième session du Groupe scientifique consultatif, Christ Church, Barbade, 19-20 Novembre 2018. Informe de la octava sesión del Grupo Asesor Científico, Christ Church, Barbados, 19-20 de Noviembre de 2018. FAO Fisheries and Aquaculture Report/Rapport sur les pêches et l’aquaculture/Informe de Pesca y Acuicultura. No. 1266. Bridgetown, 156 pp. http://www.fao.org/3/ca4776t/ca4776t.pdfAll references to figures, tables and bibliography in the text are found within the source of information. |
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