Fact Sheet Title Fact Sheet |
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Anchovy - Northern Alboran |
Engraulis encrasicolus - Northern Alboran Sea |
| Data Ownership | This document provided, maintained and owned by General Fisheries Commission for the Mediterranean (GFCM) , is part of GFCM Stock Status Reports data collection. |
ident Block | ident Block | | Species List: | Species Ref: en - European anchovy, fr - Anchois, es - Boquerón, ru - Анчоус европейский |
Species Ref Type: Measure |
| ident Block Anchovy - Northern Alboran Aq Res Ident Aq Res Ident Aq Res Ident gfcm Sub Area |
1 | Northern Alboran Sea |
Aq Res | Biological Stock: Biological Stock
Value: Sub-Regional Reference Year: 2009 |
Considered a management unit: An aquatic resource or fishery is
declared as [Fishery] Management Unit if it is
effectively the focus for the application of selected
management methods and measures, within the broader
framework of a management system. According to the FAO
Glossary for Responsible Fishing, "a Fishery Management
Unit (FMU) is a fishery or a portion of a fishery
identified in a Fishery Management Plan (FMP) relevant
to the FMP's management objectives." FMU's may be
organised around fisheries biological, geographic,
economic, technical, social or ecological dimensions ,
and the makeup and attribute of a fishery management
unit depends mainly on the FMP's management
objectives. |
Jurisdictional distribution: Jurisdictional qualifier (e.g.
"shared", "shared - highly migratory") of the aquatic
resource related with its spatial distribution. |
Environmental group: Classification of the aquatic
resource according to the environmental group (e.g.
pelagic invertebrate, or demersal fish) to which the
species belong. |
| | | | Aq Res State Trend Moderately exploited. Sustainable fisheries. Habitat Bio Climatic Zone: Temperate. Horizontal Dist: Neritic. Vertical Dist: Pelagic. Water Area Overview Spatial Scale: Spatial Scale Water Area Overview | Water Area Overview Anchovy - Northern Alboran
gfcm Sub Area | 1: Northern Alboran Sea |
| | | | Water Area Overview
| | | | Water Area Overview |
Water Area OverviewAnchovy - Northern Alboran Aq Res Struct Biological Stock: Biological Stock Exploit Fishery Indicator Fishery Indicator | Fishery Indicator | Fishery Indicator | Fishery Indicator | Fishery Indicator |
Type | Measure | 3268 | tonnes | 2002 | Measure | 245 | tonnes | 2003 | Measure | 746 | tonnes | 2004 | Measure | 518 | tonnes | 2005 | Measure | 637 | tonnes | 2006 | Measure | 245 | tonnes | 2007 | Measure | 178 | tonnes | 2008 | Measure | 292 | tonnes | 2009 |
Bio Assess Assess Models Type: Age-structured Assess Models Type: Others Sci Advice Not increase the fishing effort. The management of anchovy fisheries needs to account the multispecies effects, mainly the interaction with sardine.
Sources FAO General Fisheries Commission for the Mediterranean/Commission générale des pêches pour la Méditerranée. Report of the Thirteenth Session of the Scientific Advisory Committee. Marseille, France, 7-11 February 2011/Rapport de la treizième session du Comité Scientifique Consultatif. Marseille, France, 7-11 février 2011. FAO Fisheries and Aquaculture Report/FAO Rapport sur les pêches et l’aquaculture. No. 974. Rome, FAO. 2011. p.254. http://www.fao.org/3/a-i2202b.pdfReport of the SCSA Working Group on Stock Assessment of Small Pelagic Species. FAO-GFCM Campobello di Mazara, Italy, 1-6 November 2010. http://gfcmsitestorage.blob.core.windows.net/documents/web/SAC/13/GFCM_SAC13_2011_Inf.21-e.pdf |
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