Fact Sheet Title Fact Sheet |
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Yellowedge grouper - Continental slope of French Guiana to Northeastern Venezuela |
Yellowedge grouper - Continental slope of French Guiana to Northeastern Venezuela (4.18579°N, 51.61377° W - 12° N, 66° W) |
| Data Ownership | This document provided, maintained and owned by Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) , is part of WECAFC Stock Status Reports data collection. |
ident Block | ident Block | | Species List: | Species Ref: en - Yellowedge grouper, fr - Mérou aile jaune, es - Mero aleta amarilla |
| ident Block Yellowedge grouper - Continental slope of French Guiana to Northeastern Venezuela Aq Res Ident Aq Res Ident Aq Res Ident eez |
TTO | Trinidad and Tobago |
VEN | Venezuela |
GUY | Guyana |
SUR | Suriname |
GUF | French Guiana |
Aq Res | Biological Stock: Biological Stock Value: Regional Reference Year: 1992 |
Considered a management unit: An aquatic resource or fishery is declared as [Fishery] Management Unit if it is effectively the focus for the application of selected management methods and measures, within the broader framework of a management system. According to the FAO Glossary for Responsible Fishing, "a Fishery Management Unit (FMU) is a fishery or a portion of a fishery identified in a Fishery Management Plan (FMP) relevant to the FMP's management objectives." FMU's may be organised around fisheries biological, geographic, economic, technical, social or ecological dimensions , and the makeup and attribute of a fishery management unit depends mainly on the FMP's management objectives. |
Jurisdictional distribution: Jurisdictional qualifier (e.g. "shared", "shared - highly migratory") of the aquatic resource related with its spatial distribution. |
Environmental group: Classification of the aquatic resource according to the environmental group (e.g. pelagic invertebrate, or demersal fish) to which the species belong. |
| | | | Habitat Bio Climatic Zone: Tropical. Bottom Type: Hard rocky bottom; Soft bottom clean sand. Depth Zone: Shelf - Upper shelf (up to 100 m). Horizontal Dist: Neritic. Vertical Dist: Demersal/benthic. Geo Dist Geo Dist: Shared between nations Water Area Overview Spatial Scale: Spatial Scale Water Area Overview | Water Area Overview Yellowedge grouper - Continental slope of French Guiana to Northeastern Venezuela
eez | TTO: Trinidad and Tobago | VEN: Venezuela | GUY: Guyana | SUR: Suriname | GUF: French Guiana |
| | | | Water Area Overview
| | | | Water Area Overview |
Water Area OverviewYellowedge grouper - Continental slope of French Guiana to Northeastern Venezuela Aq Res Struct Biological Stock: Biological Stock Bibliography “Assessment of the snapper and grouper fishery of Trinidad and Tobago” S. Heileman and D. Phillip 1992 Institute of Marine Affairs. “Abundance and distribution of snappers and groupers targeted by the artisanal medium range fishery off northeastern Venezuela (1981-1992) In Biology, Fisheries and Culture of Tropical Groupers and Snappers” J. J. Mendoza and A. Larez 1996 ICLARM Conf. Proc. No. 48 ICLARM. |
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