This assessment is based upon an evaluation of survey biomass , and recruitment indices and a fishing mortality proxy. Biomass indices show similar trends across the time series across Canadian Spring, Canadian Autumn, and EU-Spain surveys in Div. 3O. The assessment is considered data-limited and as such, associated with relatively high uncertainty. Input data are research survey indices and fishery data.
The next full assessment of this stock will be in 2025.
Human impactMainly fishery related mortality. Other sources (e.g. pollution, shipping, oil-industry) are undocumented.
Biological and environmental interactionsRedfish are slow growing and bear live young. Genetic analyses linked strong year-classes of juvenile
S. fasciatus sampled from the Gulf of St. Lawrence with adults collected in NAFO Divs. 3LNO and southern 3Ps. Local plus distant dispersal of young fish makes the influences of physical and environmental processes on stock dynamics difficult to interpret.
The Grand Bank (3LNO) EPU continues to experience low overall productivity conditions, and total biomass remains well below pre-collapse levels. However, recent warming, earlier phytoplankton spring bloom, and an increase in the proportion of energy-rich copepod species may have positive effects on total ecosystem production in the coming years.
Fishing MortalityBiomass