Fisheries and Resources Monitoring System

Lesser African threadfin - Liberia
Fact Sheet Title  Fact Sheet
CECAF Scientific advice 2005
Lesser African threadfin - Liberia
Fact Sheet Citation  
Petit capitaine (Galeoides decadactylus) au Liberia 6°54''-4°20''
Owned byFood and Agriculture Organization (FAO) – ownership
ident Blockident Blockdisplay tree map
Species List:
Species Ref: en - Lesser African threadfin, fr - Petit capitaine, es - Barbudo enano africano
ident Block Lesser African threadfin - Liberia
Aq Res
Biological Stock:  Biological Stock         Value: Regional
Reference Year: 2004
Aq Res State Trend
Aq Res State Trend
Aq Res State Trend
Aq Res State TrendModerate fishing mortality
High fishing mortality
Aq Res State TrendLow abundance
Aq Res State Trend
Aq Res State TrendOverexploited
Habitat Bio
Bottom Type: Soft bottom - muddy or muddy-sand.   Depth Zone: Coastal 0 50m; Shelf - Upper shelf (up to 100 m).   Horizontal Dist: Littoral.   Vertical Dist: Demersal.  

Geo Dist
Geo Dist: Shared between nations

Water Area Overview
Spatial Scale:  Spatial Scale

Water Area Overview
Aq Res Struct
Biological Stock:  Biological Stock
“L'état des ressources halieutiques marines au Cameroun” Folack, J. 1995 Quatrième session du Comittée la Commission Océanographique Intergouvernementale (COI) pour l'Atlantique Centre Est (IOCEA-IV) 5-12 mai 1995 Las Palmas, Iles Canaries, Espagne.
“Report of the FOURTH SESSION OF CECAF SCIENTIFIC SUB-COMMITTEE ACCRA, GHANA, 24-26 OCTOBER 2005” FAO 2006 FAO fisheries technical paper 457 FAO.
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