Fact Sheet Title Fact Sheet |
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Sardinellas - Nigeria and Cameroon |
Sardinelles au Nigeria, Cameroun 6°23''-2°17'' |
| Data Ownership | This document provided, maintained and owned by Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) , is part of CECAF Stock Status Reports data collection. |
ident Block | ident Block | | Species List: | Species Ref: en - Round sardinella, fr - Allache, es - Alacha, ru - Сардинелла круглая (=алаша) |
Species Ref: en - Madeiran sardinella, fr - Grande allache, es - Machuelo |
| ident Block Sardinellas - Nigeria and Cameroon Aq Res Ident Aq Res Ident Aq Res Ident fao Div |
34.3.5 | Central Gulf of Guinea |
Aq Res | Biological Stock: Biological Stock
Value: Regional Reference Year: 1999 |
Considered a management unit: An aquatic resource or fishery is
declared as [Fishery] Management Unit if it is
effectively the focus for the application of selected
management methods and measures, within the broader
framework of a management system. According to the FAO
Glossary for Responsible Fishing, "a Fishery Management
Unit (FMU) is a fishery or a portion of a fishery
identified in a Fishery Management Plan (FMP) relevant
to the FMP's management objectives." FMU's may be
organised around fisheries biological, geographic,
economic, technical, social or ecological dimensions ,
and the makeup and attribute of a fishery management
unit depends mainly on the FMP's management
objectives. |
Jurisdictional distribution: Jurisdictional qualifier (e.g.
"shared", "shared - highly migratory") of the aquatic
resource related with its spatial distribution. |
Environmental group: Classification of the aquatic
resource according to the environmental group (e.g.
pelagic invertebrate, or demersal fish) to which the
species belong. |
| | | | Aq Res State Trend Probably Moderately exploited. Habitat Bio Bottom Type: Unspecified. Depth Zone: Coastal 0 50m; Shelf 50 200m; Slope 200 1000m. Horizontal Dist: Neritic; Oceanic. Vertical Dist: Pelagic. Geo Dist Geo Dist: Shared between nations Water Area Overview Spatial Scale: Spatial Scale Water Area Overview | Water Area Overview Sardinellas - Nigeria and Cameroon
fao Div | 34.3.5: Central Gulf of Guinea |
| | | | Water Area Overview
eez | NGA: Nigeria | CMR: Cameroon |
| | | | Water Area Overview |
Water Area OverviewSardinellas - Nigeria and Cameroon Aq Res Struct Biological Stock: Biological Stock Bibliography “Report of the ad hoc Working Group on the Coastal Pelagic Stocks of the Western Gulf of Guinea (Côte d'Ivoire-Ghana-Togo-Benin).” FAO 1992 CECAF/ECAF SERIES 91/56 FAO. “Revue sur l'état d'exploitation des stocks halieutiques et l'Aménagement des pêcheries dans la zone COPACE. Réunion COPACE. Abuja/Nigéria novembre 2000.” B. Samb, A.M. Caramelo 2000. |
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