Aq Res State Trend
Probably Moderately exploited.
Habitat Bio
Bottom Type: Unspecified. Depth Zone: Coastal 0 50m; Shelf - Upper shelf (up to 100 m). Horizontal Dist: Littoral. Vertical Dist: Pelagic.
Geo Dist
Geo Dist: Shared between nations
Aq Res Struct
Biological Stock: Biological Stock
“Report of the FAO Working Group on the Assessment of Small Pelagic Fish off Northwest Africa. Banjul, Republic of Gambia, 5-12 April 2002.” FAO 2002 FAO Fisheries Report No 686 FAO.
“Report of the FAO Working Group on the Assessment of Small Pelagic Fish off Northwest Africa. Nouadhibou, Mauritania, 24-31 Marc 2001.” FAO 2001 FAO Fisheries Report No 657 FAO.
“Revue sur l'état d'exploitation des stocks halieutiques et l'Aménagement des pêcheries dans la zone COPACE. Réunion COPACE. Abuja/Nigéria novembre 2000.” B. Samb, A.M. Caramelo 2000.