Fisheries and Resources Monitoring System

Angola Seine net small pelagic fishery - Angolan waters
Fishery  Fact Sheet
CECAF Fisheries Reports 2011
Angola Seine net small pelagic fishery - Angolan waters
Fact Sheet Citation  
Owned byFood and Agriculture Organization (FAO) – more>>

Location of Angola Seine net small pelagic fishery - Angolan waters

Geographic reference:  Angola
Spatial Scale: Value
Reference Year: 2011
Approach: Fishing Activity

Fishing Activity
Fishing Gear: Boat seines
Type of production system: Artisanal; Semi-industrial; Subsistence
Fishery Area: Angolan waters; Angola; Cape Palmeirinhas; Cape Salinas; Cunene

Harvested Resource
Target Species: Round sardinella; Madeiran sardinella; South American pilchard …  

Means of Production
Vessel Type: Other fishing vessels
ident Block
Type: Landing - estimated

Fishing Activity
Type of production system: Artisanal; Semi-industrial; Subsistence   

Fishery Area
Climatic zone: Tropical.   Bottom type: Unspecified.   Depth zone: Coastal-Close shore littoral 20m.   Horizontal distribution: Estuarine; Littoral; Neritic.   Vertical distribution: Demersal/Benthic; Pelagic.  

Geo References for: Angolan waters
Resources Exploited
Round sardinella - Angola, Flat Sardinella - Angola, Sardine - Angola, Cunene horse mackerel - Angola, Cape horse mackerel - Angola
Vessel Type
Other fishing vessels
Flag State


1-10 crew, Angola.
Fishing Gear
Boat seines
No details, standard gear assumed.
Fleet segment
Artisanal: Purpose built commercial vessels > 20 m, Commercial vessels >14 m, wet fish rarely with ice, Commercial vessels up to 20 m with ice, non-commercial wet fish only personal consumption.
Cabinda, Luanda, Porto-Amboim, Mocamedes, Lobito, Alexandre, Baia-Farta and beaches and estuaries around entire coast.
Trip Duration
1 day.
Fishery Indicator List
Fishery Indicator
Fishery Indicator Fishery Indicator Fishery Indicator Fishery Indicator Fishery Indicator
TypeLanding - estimated150 000tonnes2005
Post Harvest
Fish Utilisation
Fresh, on ice wetfish for markets, dried and salted.
Predominantly local and part to region ( West Africa).
Management: Management

Legal Definition
Provincial (Cabinda, Zaire, Bengo, Luanda, K.Sul, Benguela, Namibe)
Jurisdictional framework
Management Body/Authority(ies): Ministry of Fisheries (Angola): National Fisheries Directorate (DNP)
Mandate: National Fisheries management; Research; Surveillence; Administration and Funding support.  
Area under national jurisdiction: Angola
Maritime Area: EEZ.  
Management Body/Authority(ies): Ministry of Fisheries (Angola): National Surveillance Directorate (DNF)
Mandate: National Fisheries management; Research; Surveillence; Administration and Funding support.  
Area under national jurisdiction: Angola
Maritime Area: EEZ.  
Management Body/Authority(ies): Artisanal Fisheries Development Institute (IPA)
Mandate: National Fisheries management; Research; Surveillence; Administration and Funding support.  
Area under national jurisdiction: Angola
Maritime Area: EEZ.  
Management Body/Authority(ies): Marine Research Institute (IIM)
Mandate: National Fisheries management; Research; Surveillence; Administration and Funding support.  
Area under national jurisdiction: Angola
Maritime Area: EEZ.  
Management Body/Authority(ies): National Institute for the Support of Fisheries Industries (INAIP)
Mandate: National Fisheries management; Research; Surveillence; Administration and Funding support.  
Area under national jurisdiction: Angola
Maritime Area: EEZ.  
Management Body/Authority(ies): Fisheries Industries and Fisheries Schools (FADEPA)
Mandate: National Fisheries management; Research; Surveillence; Administration and Funding support.  
Area under national jurisdiction: Angola
Maritime Area: EEZ.  
Management Regime
Management Methods

Management and conservation methods with focus on Effort control, Catch control

  • Gear-related measures
    Gear type, Gear dimension, Mesh size
  • Vessel-related measures
     Access Control: Vessel type and Vessel Size
  • Fishing activity-related measures
    Access by nationality, Licenses, Vessel number, Gear number, TAC, No fishing closer than 4 nautical miles
Guia de campo para as espécies comerciais marinhas e de águas salobras de Angola, Bianchi, G., FAO, 1986  Click to open
Smiths' Sea Fishes, M.M. Smith and P.C. Heemstra, 2003 (revision), ISBN 1 86872 890 0, Struik Publishers, Cape Town.
Fisheries protocols of the BCLME countries, Enviro-Fish Africa, Feike, University of Cape Town, Tralac,Bruce Shallard and Assoc., 2006, BCLME/LMR/SE/03/03, BCLME, Swakopmund, Namibia.
Overview and analysis of socio-economic and fisheries information to promote the management of artisanal fisheries in the BCLME region - Angola, Agostinho,D, Fielding, P, Sowman, M, and M. Bergh, 2005, BCLME/LMR/AFSE/03/01/B, BCLME, Swakopmund, Namibia.  Click to open
An assessment of the state of the commercial fisheries catch data in the BCLME region, Aukland, R and C. Ninnes, 2004, BCLME/LMR/CF/03/02, BCLME, Swakopmund, Namibia.  Click to open
Relatorio do workshop de analise de risco para gestao sustentavel das pescarias (RASF), Minsterio das Pescas (Angola), Instituto Nacional de Investigacao Pesquiera (INIP), 2005, BCLME/LMR/EAF/03/01, BCLME, Swakopmund, Namibia.  Click to open
Review of management practices of Angola's small pelagic fisheries (TROM review), Minsterio das Pescas (Angola), Instituto Nacional de Investigacao Pesquiera (INIP), 2005, BCLME/LMR/EAF/03/01, BCLME, Swakopmund, Namibia.  Click to open
BCLME - Ecosystem approach for fisheries management in the BCLME - Report of the first regional workshop, Windhoek: 21-24 September 2004, Food and Agricultural Organization of the United Nations (ed. K. Cochrane), 2004, BCLME/LMR/EAF/03/01, Food and Agricultural Oranisation of the United Nations, Rome (in conjunction with BCLME).
Preliminary Report Cruise No.1 - Surveys of the fish resources of Angola, Norad - FAO/UNDP GLO 82/001 IMR Bergen, 1989, FAO Repository, Norad (Dr Fridjhof Nansen programme) / FAO (Rome).
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