Fisheries and Resources Monitoring System

Northwest Atlantic NAFO High seas fisheries
Fishery  Fact Sheet
Conservation and Enforcement Measures 2021
Northwest Atlantic NAFO High seas fisheries
Fact Sheet Citation  
Owned byNorthwest Atlantic Fisheries Organization (NAFO) – more>>

Overview: The Northwest Atlantic Fisheries Organization (NAFO) is an intergovernmental fisheries science and management body.

Location of Northwest Atlantic NAFO High seas fisheries

Geographic reference:  Northwest Atlantic
Spatial Scale: Value
Reference Year: 2021
Approach: Jurisdictional

Jurisdictional framework
Management Body/Authority(ies): Northwest Atlantic Fisheries Organization (NAFO)
Mandate: Scientific Advice; Management;

Area of Competence:
Maritime Area: High Seas

Fishing Activity
Type of production system: Industrial   

Fishery Area

Geo References for: Northwest Atlantic
Management: Management

Jurisdictional framework
Management Body/Authority(ies): Northwest Atlantic Fisheries Organization (NAFO)
Mandate: Scientific Advice; Management; Monitoring; Control and surveillance.  
Area of Competence
Maritime Area: High Seas.  
Management Regime
Management Methods

Conservation and management measures - Binding

Quotas and TACs are established annually by the NAFO Fisheries Commission. Shrimp in Division 3M is managed under an effort allocation scheme. Other NAFO management measures include bycatch and gear restrictions, minimum fish size regulations as well as area and time limitations. 
  • Gear-related measures
    Gear requirements are outlined in Article 13 of the NAFO Conservation and Enforcement Measures.
  • Vessel-related measures
    Vessel requirements are outlined in Article 25 of the NAFO Conservation and Enforcement Measures.
  • Fishing activity-related measures
    The NAFO Fisheries Commission meets once a year to adopt Conservation and Enforcement Measures (CEM) for the international fisheries. Such measures include setting limits for total allowable catches (TACs) and quotas (the share of the TAC that each Contracting Party is allowed to fish ) for each stock. While the annually changing TACs and quotas (including moratoria) as listed in the NAFO quota table are among the most prominent management measures to regulate fisheries, there are a number of other measures that can also play and important role to protect fishery resources and their environment. To ensure that its conservation measures are followed, NAFO has developed a comprehensive set of regulations to monitor, survey and control the fisheries, which are outlined in the NAFO Conservation and Enforcement Measures.
Status and Trends
As a precautionary measure in the context of an Ecosystem Approach, NAFO has closed twenty possible vulnerable marine ecosystems to bottom fisheries (six seamounts, a large coral area along the southern Grand Banks and thirteen areas of significant coral and sponge concentrations near the Flemish Cap).
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