Fisheries and Resources Monitoring System

French Guiana Coastal fish small scale fishery
Fishery  Fact Sheet
WECAFC Fishery Resources Report 2019
French Guiana Coastal fish small scale fishery
Fact Sheet Citation  
Owned byFood and Agriculture Organization (FAO) – more>>

Overview: Coastal fish small-scale fisheries represent, respectively, 56% of overall country production in 2016 and 49% in 2017. Country overall production has been 4465 tons in 2016 and 4336 tons in 2017.

Location of French Guiana Coastal fish small scale fishery

Geographic reference:  French Guiana
Spatial Scale: Value
Reference Year: 2018
Approach: Fishing Activity

Fishing Activity
Fishing Gear: Drift gillnets
Type of production system: Artisanal
Fishery Area: EEZ of French Guiana; French Guiana

Harvested Resource
Target Species: Acoupa weakfish; Green weakfish; Crucifix sea catfish …  

Means of Production
Vessel Type: Gillnetters
ident Block
Type: Measure

Fishing Activity
Type of production system: Artisanal   

Fishery Area
Climatic zone: Tropical.   Bottom type: Soft bottom.   Depth zone: Coastal-Close shore littoral 20m.   Horizontal distribution: Littoral.  

Depth zone is usually less than 20 m depth

Geo References for: EEZ of French Guiana
Vessel Type
Flag State
French Guiana
Fishing Gear
Drift gillnets
Associated Species (Bycatch)
Small specimens and some sea catfishes
6 (2018)
Fishery Indicator List
Fishery Indicator
Fishery Indicator Fishery Indicator Fishery Indicator Fishery Indicator Fishery Indicator
Type Measure 114 (actives) - 128 (registered)vessels2018
Type Measure 376Personsregistered 2018
Type Measure 2836tonnes2016
Measure 2468tonnes2017
Measure 2285tonnes2018
Measure 6390 000USD2018
Management: Management

Jurisdictional framework
Management Body/Authority(ies): Direction de la mer de Guyane
Mandate: Management.  
Area under national jurisdiction: French Guiana
Maritime Area: EEZ.  
Management Regime
Management Methods

Fisheries Regulations with focus on Effort control

  • Gear-related measures
    Mesh size
  • Fishing activity-related measures
    Licenses (regional), maximum net length (European), mesh size
Status and Trends
Source of Information
Ifremer, Institut français de recherche pour l'exploitation de la mer, French Guiana, France. Personal communication during the 3rd Meeting of the WECAFC/CRFM/IFREMER Working Group on Shrimp and Groundfish of the North Brazil-Guianas Shelf, 26th – 27th November 2019, Paramaribo, Suriname.
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