Fisheries and Resources Monitoring System


Our mission...

The primary aim of the Fisheries and Resources Monitoring System (FIRMS) is to provide access to a wide range of high-quality information on the global monitoring and management of fishery marine resources.

Latest news...

FIRMS Global Tuna Atlas
Browse catch statistics of tuna and tuna-like species around the world
The Atlas collates latest catch statistics provided by the five t-RFMOs, and includes:
  • the global nominal catch dataset;
  • three geo-referenced catch datasets in weight and / or number, spatially aggregated by grid square of 1x1 or 5x5 degree.


Our data ...

Get Marine Resource and Fishery fact sheets by clicking a fishing area on the map.

Our tools...


Thematic Areas



Our partnership...

FIRMS draws together a unified partnership of international organizations, regional fishery bodies and, in the future, national scientific institutes, collaborating within formal agreement to report and share information on fisheries resources. For effective fisheries information management, FIRMS also participates in the development and promotion of agreed standards.

The system...

FIRMS system is part of the Fisheries Global Information System (FIGIS). Information provided by the partners is organized in a database and published in the form of fact sheets. This system provides the data owner with tools to ensure controlled dissemination of high quality and updated information.

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