Fisheries and Resources Monitoring System

Result List
Results For [resource] KEYWORDVALUE=[marlin] KEYWORDVALUE=[swordfish]
14 Results
resourceFrom FactsheetState Trend
Tuna and tuna-like species - Global, 2009FAO, 2009
See Abstract expand
Swordfish - North Atlantic, 2015ICCAT, 2015
Exploit Rate: Fcur/FMSY = 0.78 range (0.62-1.01)
Abundance Level: Bcur/BMSY = 1.04 range (0.82-1.39) 
Swordfish - Mediterranean Sea, 2015ICCAT, 2015
Exploit Rate: F2015/FMSY = 1.85
Abundance Level: SSB2015/SSBMSY = 0.12 
White marlin Atlantic, 2010ICCAT, 2010
Exploit Rate: F2010/FMSY = 0.72-0.99
Abundance Level: B2010/BMSY = 0.5-0.32 
Swordfish - South Atlantic, 2015ICCAT, 2015
Exploit Rate: Fcur/FMSY = 0.98 range (0.70-1.36)
Abundance Level: Bcur/BMSY = 0.72 range (0.53-1.01) 
Oceanic pelagic fishes - Antigua and Barbuda, 2003FAO, 2003
See Abstract expand
Blue marlin - Atlantic, 2016ICCAT, 2016
Exploit Rate: F2016/FMSY = 1.03 range (0.74-1.50)
Abundance Level: B2016/BMSY = 0.69 range (0.52-0.91) 
Black marlin - Indian Ocean, 2019IOTC, 2019
Exploit Rate: Not assessed/Uncertain (F2019/FMSY (95% CI) = 0.53 (0.22 – 1.05)
Abundance Level: Not assessed/Uncertain (B2019/BMSY (95% CI) = 1.98 (1.42 – 2.57) 
Blue marlin - Indian Ocean, 2017IOTC, 2017
Exploit Rate: Subject to overfishing (F2017/FMSY (80% CI) = 1.47 (0.96 – 2.35))
Abundance Level: Overfished (B2017/BMSY (80% CI) = 0.82 (0.56 – 1.15)) 
Striped marlin - Indian Ocean, 2019IOTC, 2019
Exploit Rate: Subject to overfishing (F2019/FMSY (80% CI) = 2.04 (1.348 - 2.931)) (JABBA Model)
Abundance Level: Overfished (B2019/BMSY (80% CI) =0.320 (0.216 - 0.505)) (JABBA Model) 
Swordfish - Indian Ocean, 2018IOTC, 2018
Exploit Rate: Not subject to overfishing (F2018/FMSY (80% CI) = 0.60 (0.40–0.83))
Abundance Level: Not overfished (SB2018/SBMSY (80% CI) = 1.75 (1.28–2.35)) 
Striped marlin - Eastern Pacific, 2021IATTC, 2021
Exploit State: UncertainExploit Rate: Fishing mortality is unknown
Abundance Level: Abundance level is unknown 
Swordfish - Northeastern Pacific, 2021IATTC, 2021
Exploit State: UncertainExploit Rate: Uncertain or Not Assessed
Abundance Level: Uncertain or Not Assessed 
Swordfish - Southeastern Pacific, 2020IATTC, 2020
Exploit State: Fully exploitedExploit Rate: Moderate fishing mortality
Abundance Level: Intermediate abundance 

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