Fisheries and Resources Monitoring System

Status and Trend Summaries (extracted from reports)
Results for domain [resource] keyword=[borealis]
5 result(s)
resourceFact sheetsbiological state & trend
Northern prawn - Barents and Norwegian Seas, 2019ICES, 2019
Exploit Rate: F<sub>MSY</sub>: Below
Abundance Level: B<sub>lim</sub>: Above possible reference points 
Northern prawn - Fladen Ground, 2014ICES, 2014
Exploit Rate: F<sub>MSY</sub>: Undefined
Abundance Level: MSY B<sub>trigger</sub>: Undefined 
Northern prawn - Skagerrak, Kattegat and Norwegian Deep, 2019ICES, 2019
Exploit Rate: F<sub>MSY</sub>: Below
Abundance Level: B<sub>lim</sub>: Increased risk 
Northern Prawn - Flemish Cap, 2022NAFO, 2022
Exploit Rate: None-Low Fishing Mortality (fishing mortality may not be the main driver of biomass for Flemish Cap shrimp)
Abundance Level: Depleted Stock Size 
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Northern Prawn - Grand Bank, 2022NAFO, 2022
Exploit Rate: None-Low Fishing Mortality (fishing mortality may not be the main driver of biomass for Flemish Cap shrimp)
Abundance Level: Depleted Stock Size 
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