Fisheries and Resources Monitoring System

Common dentex - Northern Tunisia, Gulf of Hammamet
Fact Sheet Title  Fact Sheet
Stock status report 2007
Common dentex - Northern Tunisia, Gulf of Hammamet
Fact Sheet Citation  
Dentex dentex - Northern Tunisia, Gulf of Hammamet, Gulf of Gabes
Owned byGeneral Fisheries Commission for the Mediterranean (GFCM) – ownership
ident Blockident Blockdisplay tree map
Species List:
Species Ref: en - Common dentex, fr - Denté commun, es - Dentón, ru - Зубан обыкновенный
ident Block Common dentex - Northern Tunisia, Gulf of Hammamet
Aq Res
Biological Stock: No         Value: Sub-Regional
Reference year: 2006
Aq Res State Trend

In the North (GSA 12), the yield by recruit value is below the optimal level; the stock seems to be under-exploited. The exploitation profile in the eastern region (GSA 13) is in optimal conditions.
Northern stock
Aq Res State Trend Entry
Aq Res State Trend Entry Aq Res State Trend Entry
Aq Res State Trend EntryLow fishing mortalityNot applicable
Aq Res State Trend EntryNot applicable
Aq Res State Trend Entry
Aq Res State Trend EntryUnderexploited
Eastern stock
Aq Res State Trend Entry
Aq Res State Trend Entry
Aq Res State Trend EntryNot applicable
Aq Res State Trend EntryNot applicable
Aq Res State Trend Entry
Aq Res State Trend EntryModerately exploited
Habitat Bio
Climatic Zone: Temperate.   Bottom Type: Hard bottom.   Depth Zone: Shelf (50 m - 200 m).   Horizontal Dist: Neritic.   Vertical Dist: Demersal/Benthic.  

Geo Dist
Geo Dist: National

Water Area Overview
Spatial Scale: Sub-Regional

Water Area Overview
Aq Res Struct
Biological Stock: No


Dentex dentex is exploited on the Tunisian coasts by artisanal gears especially, the trammel nets and long-lines.
Bio Assess

Two stocks are separately dealt according to two different regions: the Northern and the Eastern coasts. In total, 1538 individuals are sampled from January 2004 to December 2004, along the Tunisian coasts. The total length of the monthly sampled fish are ranged by size classes of one centimeter and the size structure is pondered to the respective monthly landings, then extrapolated to the yearly captures.
Assess Models
Type:  Size-structured
Length cohort analysis (LCA)

Natural mortality index (M= 0.18) was obtained from the mean value estimated by Pauly (1980) and Djabali & al. (1994). Chosen fishing effort values (Ft) were 1.3 and 1.2 respectively for the Northern and the Eastern regions.

In the North, the yield by recruit values is below the optimal level; the stock seems to be under-exploited. In the aim to improve the exploitation, the actual effort by catch would be duplicated. Nevertheless, the exploitation profile in the eastern region is in optimal conditions.

Sci Advice

For management considerations
  • The actual conditions of fishing should be maintained. However, Dentex dentex is considered as a target species and captured by selective longlines, all tentative to increase the actual fishing effort would permit to improve in short term or in long term the captures along Northern and Eastern coasts.
  • A more detailed description of the fishery should be provided to facilitate the management advice.
  • As a precautionary measure is recommended not to increase the fishing effort in both areas
  • SCSA endorsed the WG management advice and recommendations on Dentex dentex from Tunisian coasts (GSA 12, 13)


Scientific advices for management consideration formulated by SCSA have been adopted by SAC.
“Stock assessment of common dentex (Dentex dentex) in the Geographical Sub-Areas 12, 13 (Northern Tunisia, Gulf of Hammamet). In: Report of 9th Meeting of the Sub-Committee on Stock Assessment (SCSA), Working Group on Demersals” . Bachra Chemmam-Abdelkader, Soufia Ezzeddine, Med. Mejdeddine Kraiem FAO-GFCM Athens, Greece, 10-12 September, 2007 FAO Click to open

“Report of the tenth session of the SCIENTIFIC ADVISORY COMMITTEE” FAO-GFCM Nicosia, Cyprus, 22–26 October 2007 2007 FAO Click to open
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