Fisheries and Resources Monitoring System

European Union Danish fishing fleet
Fishery  Fact Sheet
EU Fishery economic report 2010
European Union Danish fishing fleet
Fact Sheet Citation  
Owned byDirectorate-General for Maritime Affairs and Fisheries - European Commission – more>>

Location of European Union Danish fishing fleet

Geographic reference:  European Union
Spatial Scale: Value
Reference Year: 2010
Approach: Production System

Means of Production
Land Base: Denmark
Type of production system: Industrial

Fishing Activity
Fishery Area: North Atlantic; Skagerrak, Kattegat, …; North Sea (Subarea 27.4); Iceland and …; Rockall, Northwest …;

ident Block

Means of Production
Type of production system: Industrial   

Land Area

Land Area References

Fishery Area
North Atlantic

Geo References for: North Atlantic

5.4.1 National fleet structure
In 2011 the Danish fishing fleet consisted of 2,682 registered vessels, with a gross tonnage of 68 thousand tonnes, total power of 247,4 thousand kW and an average vessel age of 29 years (Table 5.4.1).The size of the Danish fleet followed a decreasing trend between 2008 and 2010. In this period, the number of vessels declined by around 5% while total GT and kW of the fleet declined by 14% and 13%, respectively, during the same period (fig. 5.4.1).

Table 5.4.1 Denmark national fishing fleet key indicators: 2008-2012






% change


Number of vessels







Average vessel age







Gross Tonnage (GT, thousand)







Power (kW, thousand)








Days at sea (thousand)






Fishing days (thousand)






Energy consumption (Million litres)






Total Employed











Weight (Weight tonnes)






Value (Million €)






The total number of fishing enterprises in the Danish fleet was 1574 in 2010. The vast majority of fishing enterprises, 96%, owned a single vessel and 4% of enterprises owned two to five fishing vessels. Only 1 fishing enterprise owned six or more active fishing vessels. Total employment was estimated at around 1,531 people and 1,807 FTEs in 2010. The level of employment decreased between 2008 and 2010. The total number employed decreased by 15% while the number of FTEs decreased by 12% over the time period (Table 5.4.1; fig. 5.4.1).

Figure 5.4.1 Denmark national fleet capacity and employment trends: 2008-2012 Source: EU Member States DCF data submissions

5.4.2 National fleet fishing activity and output
In 2011 the Danish fishing fleet spent a total of around 114 thousand days at sea (Table 5.4.1). The total number of days at sea in 2011 was around 8% lower than in 2008, although there was a slight increase from 2010. The total quantity of fuel consumed in 2010 was 95 million litres, a 0.5% increase on 2008 figures (fig. 5.4.2, left).

The total volume of landings achieved by the Danish fleet in 2011 was around 703 thousand tonnes of seafood, a decrease of around 80 thousand tonnes compared to 2010. Conversely, the total value of seafood landed by the Danish fleet increased by around 9% compared to 2010 results, totally €410 million in 2011.

Figure 5.4.2 Denmark national fleet fishing effort (left) and landings trends (right):2008-2011 Source: EU Member States DCF data submissions

The top five species in terms of value landed by the Danish fleet in 2010 were the same as the top five species in terms of weight. In 2011 sandeel was the most common species landed in terms of volume (279 thousand tonnes), followed by sprat (152 thousand tonnes) and herring (97 thousand tonnes). In 2011 sandeel also achieved the highest value of landings (€60 million) by the national fleet, followed by mackerel (€57 million) and herring (€52 million) (fig. 5.4.3).

Figure 5.4.3 Denmark national fleet total landings by key species in value (left) and weight (right):2008-2011 Source: EU Member States DCF data submissions

Atlantic cod, at €1.9 per kilo in 2011, obtained the highest average first-sale price over the period analysed, closely followed by Atlantic mackerel, which in 2011 averaged €1.6 per kilo. In terms of turnover, sandeels contributed 16.3% to the total landings value in 2010 and almost 15% in 2011, followed by Atlantic mackerel ( 14%), herring (12.7%) and cod (12%) in 2011.

Figure 5.4.4 Total average price (left) and turnover as a percentage of total value of landings (right) for the five key species landed by the Denmark national fleet: 2008-2011 Source: EU Member States DCF data submissions
Socioeconomic Assessment

5.4.6 Data issues
It was not possible to perform all economic performance projections for 2011. The data for the 2011 segmentation of the fleet is not finalised before the economic statistics are produced in October/November 2012.

5.4.3 National fleet economic performance
The total amount of income generated by the Danish national fleet in 2010 was €405 million. This consisted of €387 million from landings, €17 million in other income and €70 thousand in direct income subsidies (Table 5.4.2). The total income of the Danish fleet increased 38% between 2009 and 2010. Total operating costs of the Danish national fleet in 2010 were €190 million, amounting to 47% of total income. The largest expenditure items were crew wages (€79 million) and fuel costs (€45 million) (Table 5.4.2). In 2010, total operating costs were 2.3% lower than in 2008, however they were 14% higher than in 2009.

In terms of profitability, the total amount of GVA, gross profit and net profit (excluding subsidies) generated by the Danish national fleet in 2010 was €267 million, €176 million and €58 million, respectively (Table 5.4.2, fig. 5.4.5). These results appear to buck a trend of indicated net profit losses generated by the fleet in 2008 and 2009. In 2010, the Danish fleet had an estimated depreciated replacement value of €442 million and an estimated value of fishing rights of €740 million.

Table 5.4.2 Denmark national fishing fleet economic performance indicators: 2008-2011. Forecast figures for 2011 are highlighted in blue and values are also presented as a percentage of total income (shaded grey columns) Source: EU Member States DCF data submissions

Figure 5.4.5 Denmark national fishing fleet economic performance trends: 2008-2011 Source: EU Member States DCF data submissions

5.4.4 Fleet composition
The Danish national fleet consisted of 18 fleet segments in 2010. The fleet is highly diversified with a broad range of vessel types targeting different species predominantly in the North Sea, Baltic Sea and North Atlantic. Table 5.5.3 provides a breakdown of key performance indicators for all Danish fleet segments in 2010. A short description of the five most important segments in terms of total value of landings is provided below.

Beam trawl 12-18m (TBB: VL1218) - 11 vessels make up this segment and are based predominantly in the Baltic Sea. These vessels target demersal species such as common shrimp, plaice and cod. The total value of landings was around €31 million and around 20 FTEs were employed in this fleet segment in 2010. This fleet segment was profitable in 2010, with a GVA of €13 million and a net profit of over €220 thousand. The average vessel income was estimated at €217 thousand, generating a gross profit of €20thousand and net loss of €24 thousand in 2010 (fig. 5.4.6).

Demersal trawl / seine 12-18m (DTS: VL1218) - 168 vessels make up this segment and are based predominantly in the North and Baltic Seas. These vessels target demersal species such as cod, haddock and saithe. The total value of landings was around €43 million and around 313 FTEs were employed in this fleet segment in 2010. This fleet segment was profitable in 2010, with a GVA of €27 million and a net profit of over €1 million. The average vessel in this fleet segment achieved an income of €274 thousand in 2010, generating a gross profit of €56 thousand and net profit of € 6.3 thousand (fig. 5.4.7).

Demersal trawl / seine 18-24m (DTS: VL1824) - 68 vessels make up this segment and are based predominantly in the North Sea and Skagerrak. These vessels target demersal species such as cod, Norway lobster, plaice and sole. The total value of landings was around €44 million and around 274 FTEs were employed in this fleet segment in 2010. This fleet segment was profitable in 2010, with a GVA of €27 million and a net profit of around €0.9 million.

Demersal trawl / seine 24-40m (DTS: VL2440) - 42 vessels make up this segment and are based predominantly in the North Sea and Skagerrak. These vessels target demersal species such as cod, sandeel and saithe. The total value of landings was around €57 million and around 254 FTEs were employed in this fleet segment in 2010. This fleet segment was highly profitable in 2010, with a GVA of €36 million and a net profit of over €6 million.

Demersal trawl / seine above 40m (DTS: VL40XX) - 29 vessels make up this segment and are based predominantly in the North Sea and in the North Atlantic. These vessels target demersal species such as sandeel, mackerel, sprat and herring. The total value of landings was around €163 million and around 313 FTEs were employed in this fleet segment in 2010. This fleet segment was profitable in 2010, with a GVA of €133 million and a net profit of over €59 million.

Vessels using polyvalent passive gears 12-18m (PGP: VL1218) - 45 vessels make up this segment and are based predominantly in the North Sea and Skagerrak. These vessels target demersal species such as cod, sole and plaice. The total value of landings was around €14 million and around 89 FTEs were employed in this fleet segment in 2010. This fleet segment was stable in 2010, with a GVA of €7 million and a net profit of over €-0.1 million.

Table 5.4.3 Denmark national fishing fleet composition and key indicators at fleet segment level for 2010. Source: EU Member States DCF data submissions

Figure 5.4.6 Key indicators for the average vessel in the Denmark TBB VL1218 fleet segment 2008-2011 top left – fleet segment capacity and employment; top right – average fishing activity and effort; middle left – average prices (€/kg) for key species; middle right - turnover as a percentage of total value of landings for key species; bottom left – average landings in value and weight: bottom right – main economic performance indicators for the average vessel (variation 2010-2008) Source: EU Member States DCF data submissions

Figure 5.4.7 Key indicators for the average vessel in the Denmark DTS VL1218 fleet segment 2008-2011 top left – fleet segment capacity and employment; top right – average fishing activity and effort; middle left – average prices (€/kg) for key species; middle right - turnover as a percentage of total value of landings for key species; bottom left – average landings in value and weight: bottom right – main economic performance indicators for the average vessel (variation 2010-2008) Source: EU Member States DCF data submissions

5.4.5 Assessment for 2011 and 2012
Based on landings value for 2011, the Danish fishery had an increase in landings value compared to 2010. Higher prices on some of the most important species such as cod, mackerel, herring, sprat and Norway lobster in most cases outweighed the fall in total weight of landings. Combined with a continued restructuring of the fleet, this is expected to result in a better economic performance in 2011 compared to 2010.

Looking at the outlook for 2012, things do not look so positive. A very low TAC for sandeel will have a major impact on the economic performance of many vessels. Furthermore, the uncertain situation with the mackerel stock in the North Atlantic, and the on‐going discussions with Iceland and the Faeroese Islands may also have an impact on the performance of the demersal trawl/seine above 40m. Negative developments are expected in price for most of the species caught by Danish fishermen. In summary, the economic performance in 2012 is expected to be worse than 2011.
Status and Trends
Based on landings value for 2011, the Danish fishery had an increase in landings value compared to 2010. Higher prices on some of the most important species such as cod, mackerel, herring, sprat and Norway lobster in most cases outweighed the decrease in total weight of landings. Combined with a continued restructuring of the fleet, this is expected to result in a better economic performance in 2011 compared to 2010.

Looking forward to 2012, things do not look so positive. A very low TAC for sandeel will have a major impact on the economic performance of many vessels. Furthermore, the uncertain situation with the mackerel stock in the North Atlantic, and the on going discussions with Iceland and the Faeroese Islands could also have an impact on the performance of the demersal trawl / seine above 40m. Negative developments are expected in the price for most of the species caught by Danish fishermen, so in total the economic performance in 2012 is expected to be worse than in 2011.
Source of Information
“The 2012 Annual Economic Report on the EU Fishing Fleet (STECF-12-10)” Scientific, Technical and Economic Committee for Fisheries (STECF) . 2012 Click to open
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